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Diskussion:R.C. Allen

Anmerkungen von T. Leipälä:
"Evidently Ralph C. Allen bought Add-Index factory in Grand Rapids in 1934. In 1927 the name of Allen's firm was Allen Corporation in Philadelphia (309 S. Fifteenth Street) and he then marketed Rheinmetall stepped drum calculating machines with the name Allen Calculator (The Business Machines and Equipment Digest). Maybe R.C. Allen was related to S.W. Allen who made Rapid pinwheel calculators also in Philadelphia at 20 South Eighteenth Street. In a 1935 advertisement of R.C. Allen adding machine model 95 the company name was Allen Calculators Incorporated with a New York address. The adding machine in picture resembles Add-Index, but has direct subtraction and no more the counter for the number of drawings of the crank. In a later 1942 R.C. Allen ad the address of Allen calculators Inc. is in Grand Rapids, which also proves the error of Martin.

In the thirties Allen Calculators also started to assemble Facit ten key calculators which were sold by name R.C. Allen. When Facit started its own agency in USA in fifties, some Brunsviga models (at least model 11E) were marketed with the name R.C. Allen." _________

In einem Bericht über "Allen Wales" in "Office Appliances" (April 1928, Seite 68 und 69) wird angegeben, dass Ralph C. Allen die Firma Allen Wales leitet.
In einer Broschüre von 1941 wird gesagt, dass die Firma "Allen Wales" 1934 eine neue Leitung erhielt (s. Allen Wales Material)
Daraus ist zu schließen, dass es Ralph C. Allen war, der die Firma "Allen Wales" 1934 verließ und dann die Konkurrenz-Firma R.C. Allen leitete.
Die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Firman R.C. Allen und Allen Wales (und den Vorläufern) müssen noch genauer untersucht und dargestellt werden!
F. Diestelkamp 13:02, 25. Okt 2007 (IST)

R.C. Allen lebte vermutlich von 1884-1967. Angeblich war er vor Gründung einer eigenen Firma bei der Burroughs Adding Machine Company beschäftigt F. Diestelkamp 11:21, 20. Mär 2008 (GMT)